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Monday, March 28, 2011

Escaping the Box

Years ago, as a very young child I started to have glimpses out side the box. It seemed like there was so much of the world that was not available because of the labels, or stygma placed upon these things. There were places one did not go or people one did not associate with.

I could never quite grasp this, as I was brought up in a Christian home. At Church and other various activities, I was taught that you should "love your nieghbor as yourself." And that you were to take the Gospel to the world. Well, to me it never seemed right that you could live in this little bubble looking out. How were you to accomplish these things if you didn't get out and get involved with people who were not of your own. I understood the whole mission idea of taking some time off from your daily duties and handing out food or clothing. Of making boxes or care packages and sending them to some poor country. Of going to another country and helping to build missionary houses, Churches, schools and clinics.

When I was a young girl, I remember going with my Mom to the migrant workers area and helping to sort out donated clothes. I recall those workers coming in and getting clothing and other household items. I remember Mom and Dad going on various mission trips here and there in other countries.

At that time I don't ever remember going to any of thier actual living places. I don't remember ever being involved in any contact with "those people". And it could be that I just don't remember. But I think if it had happened, it would have stayed with me.

Then when I was a teenager, we went as a family to Nicaragua. We helped to build clinics, schools, drill wells, teach health, hygiene, and basic reading and writing. We also built Churches. This included training Pastors from thier own communities to carry on the positions. We made friends. Good friends. We were as involved in the communities as if we had come from there.

Here I felt like I finally saw the difference between giving the supplies, and actually being invloved. It is easy to donate tings that you are done with. Such as clothing and household things. It is easy to write a check. It is easy to sponser some one else. It is not so easy being right in the middle. To actually get to know the people, make friends, and try to make a difference in thier lives. To make things better. Education of one sort or the other doesn't need to totally change thier customs or way of life. Improvement isn't always about taking away, but adding too.

When I started to see glimpses of what was outside the box, I just wanted to see more. I wanted to understand why and how other people lived. I wanted to know what else was possible for my life. I wondered how on earth these people had survived all this time without the constraints put on them by others. I wanted to know how they could get by and still be happy, have lots of love, and feel they had a good life. When did life become so defined by certain groups of people that it had to be lived a certain way or you were just living so wrong? I understand that if you are going to live in the village, you have to live the way the village does in order for it to survive. So, I choose to live outside the box, and may be just visit once in a while.

I have chose a very different path. I want to live in the midst of mankind;live wherever I need to be at the time, in the best manner possible. I want to try not to be too needy, but help those in need. To keep my head up, my eyes open, and my heart full of love for my fellow man. I want to be an inspiration, a shoulder to lean on, and a smile to brighten a day for others.


  1. I think more people need to live outside the box and embrace life. When we stop exploring the path's of life we stop living and start existing.


  2. Excellent point! It is possible to exist inside a box, but impossible to LIVE! The more we hide from new ideas and resist change, the more likely we are to be left behind by the future and the less chance we have to either influence that future or communicate with those we find around us in the journey.

  3. p.s. Miss Cindy, it sure was nice finding someone else wandering around out here.

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